Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today's Workout: 5 x 400m Run

Basically this is 1.25miles broken up into five .25mile splits. I didn't have my watch set up for splits, but when I glanced down each time I was consistently under an 8:30min mile and typically in the 7:50-ish range.

Also, you're supposed to run this on a track, but since I don't currently have access to one, I just ran it on the flattest section of my neighborhood. The middle school across the street has a track, but school is in session and I'd rather have permission first before hopping on there. A phone call has been made, so my fingers are crossed they'll let me run on there 1 or 2x's a week. ;)

BTW, in case you're wondering, I'm using Hal Higdon's Intermediate Half-Marathon training schedule. I also use Jeff Galloway's walk/run method, which, in my case, means for every mile I run, I walk for 2 minutes.

Now, I've altered Higdon's plan a bit by taking out the Sat. run and adding in 2 swims a week (which I will start next week- I've got to get my YMCA membership going first). I've also adjusted Galloway's method by only walking once every mile, instead of every 1/2 mile. Based on my current min. mile average, I should be walking 1 minute for every 2-4 minutes I run, but that's just too much stopping and starting for me. I used to do 1 minute for every 1 mile of running, but I never felt recovered enough, so I adjusted it to 2 minutes and it works out great.

I used to be one of those "all or nothing" kind of runners, but I've learned that you can take the solutions that great minds have discovered and make something that will work out the best for you. It seems like a simple enough concept, but it was a tough one for me. :)

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