Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today (Monday's) Workout: 45 swim

Yay- I have access to a pool again!! Since my waterproof MP3 player wasn't charged, I went old school and swam without tunes. Luckily there were about 40 kids in the pool while I was there, so it certainly wasn't quiet. :)

I did enjoy the time to swim though and even spent 10 minutes in the steam room afterwards. I swam a lot when I was pregnant with Ladon and I remember looking off wistfully at all the people going into the steam room. Now, I can go in there myself and it feels sooo good! :)

On a non-weight loss related note, I just spent the past few hours going through my mom's zorro collection. We're putting everything on eBay, so I wanted to give it a once-over and take notes before I start posting on Sunday. So, I don't go completely bonkers, I'm going to put up about 10 items at a time at most. I also have about 15-20 things of my own that will go up this time too. I'll be sure to post a link when everything goes up- granted I doubt the 3 people reading this will want to bid on anything, but it can't hurt, right? LOL :)

On another note, tomorrow is Ladon's 9 month appointment. No shots this round, so yay for that! I'm excited to see how much he's grown and I hope it's more than last time. At his 6 month appointment, they didn't stretch out his leg all the way and he came up as 1/4" SHORTER than he was at his 4 month appointment. The doctor chalked it up to different methods of measurement (one uses a pen to mark the top of the head and bottom of the foot and then uses a tape measure- the other one lays him on a pre-marked board), but, in true Jenny-fashion, it freaked me out. Needless to say, I ended up doing my own measurements that day and came up with over an inch difference (in favor of him being taller, of course!) If they don't stretch him out tomorrow, I may have to hurt someone. :)

Oh, and one more thing- I signed up for a race in April- this one is called Rugged Maniac and it's being held in Asheboro. It's similar to the Warrior Dash in that it's an obstacle course race where you may have to wade through water, hop through tires, walk over fire...ya know- little things like that. :) While I enjoy 5K's, I really want to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new and these obstacle races just sound like a lot of fun!

So, in summary, right now I'm signed up for:

Two Obstacle Course Races
Two Sprint Triathlons
One 5K

...and I'll be signing up for the Goofy Challenge once registration for that one goes live in March.

I think 2011 is going to be a great year!


Cindy said...

ok, i know i just started following you (I'm a TM'er) but this entry is really motivating for me. I am in the same boat as you are. I have signed up and have trained for the ATT marathon on March 20th but I'm not sure if I can do it now due to an injury and that makes me so mad because mentally i think i can! there is still a small possibility that I can and I just keep praying for that. I have looked into doing the triathlon in CH now (since reading the blog) and plan on doing that if it's not the same weekend as my hs reunion. I did get out there today and do 25 min. on the elliptical at the gym to test the waters of my injury and things are looking good so far! anyways, sorry for such a long comment but thanks for the motivation and "get me going" pep talk that I needed after 3 weeks off of no exercise (b/c of the injury).

P.S. I'm reading your blog from the beginning but did see your weight loss so far and WOW that is awesome! Congrats girl!

Jenny said...

Cindy- thank you so much for reading my blog. :)

I'm really sorry to hear that an injury might mess up your marathon plans later on this month. If your doctor gives you the slightest bit of hope that you can do it though, go for it!! I've had some slight pain in my right foot off and on since December, but I it didn't bother me at all at the Disney Marathon. I'm rooting for you!

Cindy said...

the dr. actually did tell me to run on it but when i did i had sharp pains that were worse than before so i stayed off of it for another week and i am going to do the elliptical until at least wednesday and then hopefully run on thursday. again thanks for the encouragement :) this helped get me back to the way i was feeling about running and exercise before my injury!