Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday's Workout: 3 miles / 9:47 pace

Well, Wednesday's tempo run was a bust considering I woke up at 4am feeling pretty pukey. :) I decided to spend the majority of day in bed, excluding the glorious time I spent in the bathroom. Luckily, it seemed to be more like a 12hr bug and, after a good night's rest, I felt more like myself. Thanks so much to Josh for watching the kids- couldn't have done it without you!

As for yesterday's run, I decided to test out my little "walk some, get the same pace" theory. Needless to say, my theory did not pan out. My pace was exactly the same as last Thursday's run. So, at this point, I'm shaving about 45secs. off my 3 mile run by not walking. Worth it? Kind of... depends on whether or not I'm climbing a hill when the walking is set to start. ;)

Today may or may not include a swim for me- it looks like Josh now has the bug that I had on Wednesday, so I'm going to stay home as much as possible. He has OKed me to get my hair done at 11:30 as scheduled, so I just hope Ladon takes a long nap. Phoenix is easy- he plays so well by himself it's ridiculous, but Ladon- well, he's 9 months old, what can you expect? :)

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