Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wednesday's Workout: 32min run / 23min swim
Thursday's Workout: 1hr 29 bike
Friday's Workout: 31min swim
Saturday's Workout: 40min run

Saturday's Weigh-in: 147.6
Week 3 Loss/Gain: - .6
Total Loss: -23.8lbs

I barely squeaked out a loss this week, but I'll take it. While I know it's going to slow down eventually, like I told Grandma Julie, I'm just not ready for it yet!! :)

Thursday's bike ride was nice- I decided to try out the Shelley Lake paved trail. It's about 2 miles long and it goes around the beautiful (and large) lake in Raleigh. It also happened to be the place where I busted my butt not just once, but twice. The first time was on a short, but steep hill- I was trying to go around some people, avoid a big bump in the pavement, and get up the hill. Not a good combo. I fell, scraped my knee a bit, and almost quit riding altogether right then and there. I thought I might fall at some point, but I didn't expect to feel so downhearted about it. But, even though I just wanted to pack it up and call it day- I decided to give the trail one more try and give that hill at the end one more sincere effort.

When I got back around to the hill, I was really tempted to just hop off my bike and walk it. Something told me that I could manage it though, so I got some speed going and VOILA, I was up and over. I almost cried I was so relieved. And, I proceeded to do it about 7 more times- each time was easier than the last and by the very last one I was thinking "why did I think this hill was that hard- it's actually pretty easy." Amazing how our minds can trick us like that. :)

The second time I fell was when I attempted to turn around to get back on the main trail. Whoopsy-daisy! :)

And, to end the day with an interesting story, I spent a few minutes watching a little girl, while her mom fished their runaway stroller out of the lake. Luckily, no one was in the stroller at the time, but everything in the stroller was soaked. That and, depending on where they were parked, she had a 1/2 to 1 mile walk back to the car. She was in surprisingly good spirits about the whole thing though, after she got over the initial shock.

I guess that's all for now- Josh is in NJ for a long weekend with his brother, so it's just been me and the boys since Friday. We're heading over to my Mom and Mike's house for a little afternoon get-together and then back here for dinner and a desperate attempt to straighten up Phoenix's bedroom (Playmobil and Legos have started to become one with the carpet.) Tomorrow morning is the house inspection at 8am, so it will be an early day, but I'm looking forward to being at the "newer" new house for a few hours. :)

Have a great weekend!

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