Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Monday's Workout: 45min run / 1hr 2min swim (supposed to be 1hr 6min- I need to start writing these "odd" times on my hand or something)
Tuesday's Workout: 2hr 11min bike

So, this week's workouts are kicking my butt!!! :) I guess you could say it's payback, considering how bad I did my eating last week, but it still doesn't make it any easier.

The one good thing though is that, believe it or not, I weighed in at 146.2 this morning which is exactly what I was before I blew it last week. So, down 8lbs so far this week (again- mostly water weight, but still happy to be back already) and I still have 4 days to go w/ a long workout planned for the next days (1hr run and 39min swim today and then a 2hr 44min bike ride tomorrow.) I have to say that this week should prove to be a good one.

Oh, and if you want to know what I'm doing this Saturday, I'll be running and completing the "Rugged Maniac" obstacle race. Little nervous, but still excited to pull this off. As my friend Douglas can attest, I'm particularly nervous about the 7ft wall that I'll have to hurl myself over. Fortunately, I don't anticipate being dead last in the race, so I'm hoping for a butt push from a fellow racer. :)

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