Saturday, February 12, 2011

Today's Workout: run 28 min / 10:14 pace

Today's Weigh-in: 157.4
Week 3 Loss/Gain: - 4.2
Total Loss: -14.0lbs

Well, hello Saturday!! My run kind of stunk, but it was 21 degrees outside and 7:45am- not a good combo for me. I did it though and that's good enough for me, 'cause I had a super-duper weight loss today!!!

Every Saturday, I run before my weigh-in. Am I cheating the, because I do it every Saturday. I like to get as much water weight loss as possible before I have a fantastic free day. :) Now, if I wore jeans every weigh-in and then decided to wear shorts one day, that would cheat the system a little bit (at least for that single weigh-in). Now, if I continued to wear shorts every weigh-in after that, I would be right back on track. It's all about doing the same thing before every weigh-in...if it means removing every stitch of clothing and jewelry you have on, then as long as you're consistent with it, that's all that matters.

Anyways, long story short, I didn't get to run before my weigh-in last Saturday, 'cause I had to run a 4.7mile race and attempt to eat 12 donuts (only managed 5.) I figured weighing in after eating donuts, might not be the best idea. Plus, I ended up being down 4lbs, so I wasn't complaining. I figured this week would have a bit of a bump because of that (and it did). I also thought that our sushi dinner on Sunday might screw up my weight loss a little bit (which it didn't.) So, when I woke up this morning, I was down 3lbs and after my run I was down another 1.2lbs for a total of 4.2lbs!!! Based on my current weight, I'm pulling Biggest Loser numbers right now- 8.2lbs in only 2 weeks (14lbs in 4 weeks). Even I'm surprised.

Since I've done well the past 2 weeks (and the first week when I lost 7.2lbs), I've started looking at what I'm doing. Here's my checklist of changes:
  • Working out 6 days a week (usually did 5)
  • Making sure not to eat too many "extras" a day (if I eat a shrimp soup, I don't have a greek yogurt)
  • Doing Wii Fit on lighter triathlon training days (ex. 17 min run day)
  • Going to bed before midnight- preferably by 11pm
  • Doing my workouts in the morning when possible
Just to review what I'm doing diet-wise, I'm still guesstimating my calories every day. I don't measure anything- I don't write down what I eat- and I don't follow a set plan. I'm not doing Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, or Jenny Craig. What I'm doing is eating what I want- just in smaller portions. I'm also doing a lower-carb diet, but again, I'm not counting carbs- just make common sense judgements on what makes up a good meal. Oh, and one day a week, I throw all the rules out the window and eat whatever I want.

It's really amazing to me that this works- I did this the first week of our Texas RV trip last year and I lost 3lbs (and my workouts were pretty puney since we were on the road so much.) But, it does work. Eat what you want- try to make the best choices possible- and eat less. Like I told Richard in an e-mail last year, it's amazing to me that it's taken me 31 years to figure this out?!

Oh, a special shout-out to our friend Beth- she turned 30 today!! Happy Birthday to you Beth- looking forward to celebrating with you tonight!!

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