Monday, February 07, 2011

Today's Workout: 32min spin bike
20min swim

Well, today was my first triathlon training workout. I didn't get out of the house in time to complete the prescribed time (supposed to be 50min bike and 32min swim), but I managed to get a good workout in nonetheless. And, I learned that I have to add in time for my "transition", which is kind of long when I'm having to go between 2 separate floors of the YMCA, plus deal with lockers. :)

I'm enjoying it so far though- I created a workout at Beginner Triathlete and was able to plug in my emphasis (running) and even which workouts I wanted to do on which days. Since I almost always run outside, I have that set up on days where I'm not doing anything else. Then, I group the bike and swim together, since I'll be doing some of my bike training at the gym. Anyways, it's only day 1, but I'm liking the results so far.

I also had the pleasure of talking to my friend, Russ, for an hour or so on Saturday about...bikes!! He is the bike expert, so when I realized my mountain bike was probably not the best option for the triathlon, I knew exactly who to turn to. He's given me a TON of information to digest and I'm pretty much going to go into the bike shop with a checklist. Watch out bike salesmen- I'm not messing around!

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's run- only 17 minutes?! The mileage does go up later in the training, but the fact that I'm running less than 2 miles tomorrow is a bit scary. I know that I'll make it up later in the week though with swimming and biking, so no worries. :)

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