Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday's Workout: 56min spin bike / 80-100rpm
34min swim
Today's Workout: 19min run / 8:54 pace

Workouts are still going well- really felt good after my short run today. :) Weight is still up from free day, but that should go down now that I'm caught up on sleep (took an awesome nap today!)

We had an awesome dinner Sunday night at The Melting Pot fondue restaurant. My mom and step-dad watched the boys, so it was nice to have a little Valentine's dinner just to the two of us (last year we ate at IHOP with Phoenix- Ladon was 2 months away from his arrival.) The food was pretty good and I actually felt confident with my calorie intake until they brought out the dessert fondue- dark chocolate, marshmallow cream, and oreo cookie crumbles. Oh, and you get to dip brownie, cheesecake, marshmallows, and fruit in it. I mean, come on?!! Needless to say, dessert was my favorite part!! :)

I had a nice little NSV on Sunday though- I realized that I wanted to dress up a little bit, so I went in the closet to find one of two cheap outfits I had bought last year for special occasions. I saw the skirt and top sets and then came across a top I had worn when I was this weight in 2008-2009. 10 seconds later I was so thrilled to see that it fit- and I was even able to squeeze my butt into a size 10P black pants- granted they were snug, but they fit (which was good, since I didn't have any bigger sizes in pants.) So, it felt nice to FINALLY be able to wear something that's hanging in my closet. It's the little things sometimes.

Oh- and I discovered a new device today!! It was a deal on Mamapedia and it's called S2H Relay (Switch2Health.) It notes physical activity (anything that uses your arms and doesn't require water, since the watch isn't waterproof) and gives you 60 points for every 60 minutes. You can then redeem those points for things like gift cards from Toys R Us, Home Depot, or even a Nintendo Wii system. Anyways, it was 50% ($10), so I snagged one and I'm looking forward to testing it out. Unfortunately, I'm biking and swimming more than I'm running right now, but I'm sure I can come up with other fun things to do to rack up points! :)

Hope your Tuesday is and was fantastic!

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