Thursday's Workout: run 3 miles/ 9:18 pace
Friday's Workout: 30min swim
Today's Workout: run 4.7 miles / eat 5 donuts! :)
Today's Weigh-in: 161.6
Week 3 Loss/Gain: - 4.0
Total Loss: 9.8lbs
Today was a great day! First off, I weighed in at 4lbs less than last week. So, there goes that pesky 1.4lb gain that came out of nowhere and with it went another 2.6lbs. So, an average of 1.3lbs for the past 2 weeks- not great, but not terrible by any means. I'm almost in the 150s again which feels GGGGGRRREAT!
Also, today's workout was a bit different. Josh, my SIL Claudia, my BIL Jonny, and myself all ran in the
Krispy Kreme Challenge. Basically you run 2.3miles, attempt to eat 12 KK donuts, and then run back to the start line.
The day started off early for us and the weather was pretty crappy- around 36 degrees and constant rain. When the rain let up, it got colder, so there really wasn't a good moment to be had in the weather department. So, after standing around in our now cold and wet clothes for an hour, we got started on the run. My time was really good going into the run- pretty much under a 9 minute pace all the way to the KK store. Unfortunately, once I started eating donuts, my plan fell apart. :)
After watching some videos on-line, I decided to mash up 4 donuts at a time and attempt to eat them as fast as possible. About 3/4's of the way through that first stack, I realized that this challenge was not going to go over very well with my stomach. I still managed to finish the first stack though and mashed up another 3 donuts. A few bites in I felt like throwing up- like another bite would result in instant vomit. So, in a last ditch effort to save my spot as a challenger, I went in search of the rest of my team. I figured a pep talk might get me through the next 7 donuts- unlikely, but I was hopeful!
I caught up with Claudia and she had eaten 1.5 donuts and was throwing in the towel. With that, I decided to join her and call it at 5 donuts for myself. After walking around for a few minutes, we still couldn't find Josh or Jonny, so we took off to run back to the start. Not through the challenger shute as planned, but still wanting to finish strong.
I managed to finish the race in 1:01, which didn't meet my 2nd goal of finishing under an hour, but it was close. I was just thrilled to have suffered through crappy weather and the attempt to eat 12 donuts. :)
The one shining moment for me was shortly after I crossed the finish line and I saw Josh standing to the left. I yelled at him "You finished before I did?!" He nodded and then I asked him "Did you eat all 12 donuts?!!!" He nodded again. And, come to find out, he even managed to finish the race in under an hour- 55minutes to be exact. So, a special kudos to my husband for a spectacular finish.
BTW, Claudia and Jonny also did great- Jonny wasn't able to finish the donuts either, but he won 2nd place with 7 donuts down. :) Overall, a fun morning and something I plan to do again next year- this time I'm going to finish it right though.
After the race, we came back here to chill and then back to Jonny and Claudia's house to celebrate my niece, JuJu's, 3rd birthday. And, I must say, this little girl had the best cake (made for her by Claudia and her friend Katie.) JuJu is a big fan of "Tangled", so it's only appropriate that her cake looked like this....
Pretty awesome- huh?!
So, now we're chilling at the house and looking forward to a chill day tomorrow. The boys are going to watch some UFC and then I foresee some Mizu sushi train in our future. :) Can't go too crazy, but I'm really getting used to my usual Saturday sushi, so we decided to just move it to tomorrow.
On that note- hope you're weekend is going wonderful and see you on here tomorrow or Monday!